Stage 8: Completion phase

Purpose: Turns the logical design into a physical design

Normally requires the involvement of multiple disciplines to carry out the implementation of the design business analysis teams to change business processes, technical specialists to create or make changes to software and technology, and may involve procurement activity too. This is all coordinated through a product/programme management function.

Solution architecture involvement is limited to governance of the delivery, including validating that the solution being delivered is what was agreed and that it meets the business requirements.

Outputs: physical designs showing what was actually delivered. These are added, along with all the output artefacts from other phases into the enterprise architecture repository, so that the repository current state incorporates the target state.

Stage 8 – Completion phase: HowTo

Multiple disciplines need to be coordinated under project management to achieve the solution.

  • Business analysis – changes to processes
  • Software development – bespoke systems
  • Technical specialists – infrastructure changes/hardware
  • Information and data design: data storage and messaging
  • Human resources: changes to job roles and skill sets, including recruitment
  • Business change – coordinating organisation transformation/service transformation