Key artefacts

Solution vision statementInitiatonDefinition of why a solution is being consideredDescription of problem area Vision of solution with ideas and concepts Ownership and stakeholder information
Architecture initiation documentInitiationContract between business and solution architecture 
Architecture input catalogueDiscovery  
Stakeholder register (and optional comms plan)Discovery  
Conceptual designSolution OutlineTo promote discussion and reach agreement on the concept design to take forawrdVisual representation of concept solution. Should be easy to understand by multiple stakeholders.
Stakeholder-focussed concept designsSolution outlineTo allow particular stakeholder groups to have more detail relevant for them. show the concept design in a more stakeholder-specific viewTweaked versions of the main concept diagram. Tables, maps, storyboards, scenarios that explain how the concept design meets this stakeholder group’s needs
Traceability gridSolution outlineShows how the solution concept has  evolved from the business requirementsA cross-reference grid showing the links between the solution components and the original solution vision, including explanation of variations
Business case/optionsAnalysisTo allow sponsor and stakeholders to settle on a single approach to take forwardsOptions appriasal showing high level comparison of costs/benefits/risks/effort/impact
Scope definitionAnalysisIdentify the areas the solution will impactA list of items such as business units, processes, jobs roles, IT systems and infrastructue that need to be changed, removed or created as part of the solution
Solution Building Block modelAnalysisIdentify new and existing building blocks that form the solutionA list of building blocks, including an assessment of the changes that are needed to any existing building blocks that are found.
Solution interface catalogueAnalysisShows how the building blocks interact with one anotherDetails of the data, direction, triggers of each interaction between building blocks
“High level design”?Logical designA complete specification for a single solution to implementA solution model that covers the whole scope definition Itemised solution components and interfaces Itemised changes to business units, processes, technology etc Itemised data and information requirements Itemised design decisions that have brought the design to this point Details of KPIs/measures and how they can be incorporated in the design
Solution views for stakeholdersValidationTo make sure stakeholders agree with the solution designA set of viewpoint definitions (security, buniess org, applications etc) that will satisfy stakeholder concerns. For each viewpoint, at least two views showing the current and future state architecture.
Impact analysis reportValidationCategorise and list all changes and their impactsAn itemised list of all the changes that the solution will bring, and for each one a list of impacts with details about the type or impact and whether it is positive, negative or neutral.
Gap analysis reportValidationBreaks down the changes to the component levelwhat needs to be added/modified/removed, along with the costs, risks, resource, dependencies involved
RoadmapRoadmapCommunication with stakeholders about when the solution components will be deliveredNormally a visual timeline showing how the delivery will unfold, including delivery of key functionality, sequencing, timescales and milestones.