Month: February 2015

  • Install Crashplan on Raspberry Pi

    Credits to for this guide. I am replicating here for my own benefit, should the site above ever go offline. Download the latest version of Java JDK 8 for ARM and transfer it to your Raspberry Pi. Unpack it to /opt (the filename will probably change with each update) and check it is installed ok:…

  • Run Bittorrent Sync automatically on Linux startup

    If you normally start btsync manually, you can easily make it start automatically on boot. Say your normal command to start btsync was: /opt/btsync –config /etc/btsync.conf   Create a file in a location such as /opt/btsync.startup containing the above command. Create a link to it in /etc/init.d ln -s /opt/btsync.startup /etc/init.d/btsync This will allow you…