Month: June 2013

  • Good default avconv settings for HD video compression/archival

    Here are the avconv settings I like to use when converting 1080i HD movies from my camera: -crf 21 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -maxrate 2000k -bufsize 1835k -c:a libfaac -b:a 128k I find this results in a video which is only very inferior from the one taken from the camera, but is generally about 1/8…

  • Flat roof heat loss

    I recently wanted to find out how much my poorly insulated flat roof was costing money-wise in terms of heat lost to the outside, and also how long it would take to pay back if I insulated it. This was mainly because the quotes I had from roofers for the recommended 120mm PIR board insulation…

  • Gimp Deskew Plugin Compiled for Ubuntu 64 bit

    Below is a pre-compiled version of the deskew plugin for Gimp 2.8, which is a dependency for the widely used DivideScannedImages script. I couldn’t find a working Linux version of it to download, so I compiled it myself instead. It was compiled on 64 bit Ubuntu 12.10 but I would expect it to work on other…