Month: December 2012

  • SSO with Google Apps and OpenAthens LA

    Google Apps SAML SSO configuration isn’t the most flexible thing in the world, but it does work. Google requires that you pass a value to it encoded as a SAML NameID which matches the full email address of the user who has logged in. If you are used to working with SSO in an education…

  • Enabling Shibboleth WAYFless linking with ExLibris SFX

    SFX is an OpenURL link resolver, used in many university library systems. I am no librarian, but my basic understanding is that it takes information about publications (ebooks, journal articles etc) along with information about how your institution should link to said resources (if it subscribes to them), and constructs hyperlinks based on the information.…

  • No internet connection after updating to Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)

    I encountered this problem today after running an distribution update, upgrading from 12.04 (Precise) to 12.10 (Quantal). NetworkManager appeared to connect ok – I had an been assigned an IP address from the router etc, but still had no internet connectivity. Running the following command fixed the problem: sudo dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf It is a known…